This survey has 34 questions across 4 sections and will take approximately 8-10 minutes to complete. All responses are required except where otherwise specified.

    Business Demographics

    Please provide your business information:

    Is your business designated as a minority business?

    In what industry is your business? Please check all that apply.

    Does your business operate online?

    Number of full-time employees including yourself

    Business Owner Demographics

    What is your gender?

    What is your race?

    Are you Hispanic?

    Are your Caribbean/West Indian?

    What is the highest level of education you've completed?

    COVID Impact on your Business

    What level of negative impact has COVID-19 had on your business, if any?

    What level of positive impact has COVID-19 had on your business, if any?

    How much confidence do you have that your business will survive the next quarter?

    How has your business operation been impacted by COVID-19? Please check all that apply.

    How has your business hours of operation been impacted by COVID-19?

    How has the physical location of your business been impacted by COVID-19?

    How has the online consumer demand for your business been impacted by COVID-19?

    Has your business experienced a decrease in revenue due to COVID-19?

    Has your business experienced a increase in revenue due to COVID-19?

    Has your business faced a reduction in workforce?

    If you answered YES, approximately how many employees will be effected?

    COVID Challenges for your Business

    Which of the following are challenges your business has faced in response to COVID-19? Please check all that apply.

    What are some of the needs that would allow your business to respond to COVID-19 in a more effective manner? Please check all that apply.

    Have you applied for financial assistance in response to the challenges posed by COVID-19?

    If you answered yes, where did you apply for financial assistance? Please check all that apply.

    If you applied for financial assistance, which type was it? Please check all that apply?

    If you applied for financial assistance, did you receive funding?

    If you received funding, was the amount sufficient to meet the needs of your business?

    What challenges have you experienced in obtaining financial assistance? Please check all that apply.

    How is your business engaging/educating employees on COVID-19? Please check all that apply.

    How is your business engaging/educating customers on COVID-19? Please check all that apply.

    How is your business receiving information that will help inform decision-making regarding COVID-19? Please check all that apply.

    What type of support/information do you need most at present?
