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St. Thomas Law Students Deliver Arguments before the Third District Court of Appeal

By April 20, 2017College of Law, STU News


Sitting before a packed Moot Court Room, the Third District Court of Appeal of Florida convened one of its official sessions on campus on Wednesday, April 5, 2017. Presiding over the proceedings were the Honorable Richard Suarez, Chief Judge; the Honorable Barbara Lagoa; and the Honorable Thomas Logue. St. Thomas Law students were given a rare opportunity to witness actual proceedings as attorneys presented oral arguments in real appellate cases before the Court.

Among the memorable moments of the day was the appearance of a third-year law student, Kielan Saborit, presenting oral argument to the Court in her capacity as a certified legal intern in J.C. v. State of Florida, Case No. 3D16-825, supervised by Professor Howard Blumberg. Third-year student, Ana Perez-Dorrego,  assisted in the preparation of the initial brief.

As in prior years, there was great excitement as students watched the dynamic interactions between the Court and the attorneys unfolding before them.


Law student Kielan Saborit delivers arguments before the court
 “The highly-anticipated visit of the Court was a rare opportunity for law students to learn about effective appellate practice and oral advocacy,” observed Professor Annie Chan, Director of the Legal Writing Program, who supervised the organization of the event. “Each year, the Court’s visit provides educational insights into the legal system which students gain only from watching the Court in action.”
St. Thomas Law’s Appellate Litigation clinic students Kielan Saborit, Jessica Biedron, and Meagan Sanchez are Certified Legal Interns and represented Appellants in three actual cases; two of which were argued in sessions at the Third DCA building on downtown Miami. Ana Perez-Dorrego, also a student in the clinic, offered invaluable contributions as legal intern on two of the cases.

Being allowed the opportunity to argue actual cases before sitting judges is one of the unique benefits that students enjoy as a part of the clinical program at St. Thomas Law.


Author kparker

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