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Annual Mass of Holy Spirit Blesses Student Leaders and Athletes

By September 17, 2015STU News
The Mass of the Holy Spirit is an annual tradition at St. Thomas University that celebrates the beginning of the Academic year, and our student leaders on and off the field. Concelebrated by University President, Rev. Msgr. Franklyn Casale, School of Theology and Ministry Dean, Rev. Msgr. Terrance Hogan, and other priests at the University, the mass included a special blessing for the Student Government Association officers, Student Senate, Resident Assistants, Campus Activity Board, officers of Student Clubs and Organizations, Campus Ministry peer leaders, and Student Athletes. Students, faculty and staff also attend the service, held at the Chapel of Saint Anthony at the heart of the St. Thomas University Campus. The ceremony included a “commissioning” of the students, whereby Msgr. Casale called on the student leaders present to promise to foster within the campus community a concern for peace; mercy; compassion; justice; the dignity of the individual; and the betterment of the community, and encourage dialogue, cooperation and respect among students. A special blessing for the health and safety of our student-athletes was preceded by the “Athlete’s Pledge,”  a pledge to accept the Champions of Character and the six core values of faith, respect, responsibility, integrity, sportsmanship and servant leadership.

Marlen Lebish

Author Marlen Lebish

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