Since STU’s founding in 1961, Bobcats have taken responsibility for the community and do their best to ensure that they are giving back, especially during times of need. The spread of COVID-19 across South Florida has left many members of the South Florida community vulnerable, but many members Bobcats are doing their part:

Coaches D.P. Harris and Sean Kett from Men’s Basketball
Coaches D.P. Harris and Sean Kett from Men’s Basketball and Rebecca Devereaux from STU’s Center for Community Engagement assembled 71 boxes of food for senior citizens in need at Feeding South Florida Friday morning. This was part of the Center’s #SafeServiceFridays and is open to any member of the Bobcat community interested in helping! Space is limited in accordance with social distancing guidelines, so RSVPs are necessary in advance. More information here.
STU biology Professor Alexis Tapanes-Castillo from STU’s College of Science, Health and Technology, in collaboration with Prof. Stephanie Bingham of Barry University and other professors from the University of Miami and the Brain Fair Educational Initiative, are donating PPE equipment to our area’s emergency management teams.

Nelson Jones
Nelson Jones is delivering food to the elder members of his church. Once a week he drives a truck around delivering food and fresh vegetables. This is for the elderly who are too vulnerable to go out and get their own food.

Lina M. Becerra Valdes
Lina Maria Becerra Valdes has taken Un viejo favor, an initiative that started in Medellin where a lot of young and healthy people offer themselves to volunteer and help the older and vulnerable people by doing groceries and volunteering to help in their home and replicated the initiative in her building. She drafted up a wrote a flyer and took some photocopies to put them in many social areas of the building so the elders in her building can reach out.

BingBing Zhang
BingBing Zhang an international student from China ordered two boxes of masks (about 4000 pieces each box) from the factory (in Guangzhou China) and will donate them to hospitals in Fort Lauderdale.

Tirzah Alejandra Mejia
Prior to the crisis, Alejandra Mejia had created an Instagram page for women empowerment. During this time she is using that page as a way to give encouragement to others. Posts include tutorials on indoor activities for those quarantined at home, outdoor activities, tips to avoid getting infected, and positive quotes for reflections in the middle of the storm.