Carol L. Zeiner
Professor of Law Emerita
St. Thomas University College of Law
Faculty Suite (209)
16401 NW 37th Ave
Miami Gardens, FL 33054
B.S., Florida State University, magna cum laude
J.D., University of Miami School of Law, magna cum laude
Property Law
Real Estate Transactions
Therapeutic Jurisprudence
Carol L. Zeiner
Carol L. Zeiner has been a member of the law faculty at St. Thomas University since 2002. Prior to becoming a law professor, Professor Zeiner practiced law with two prestigious Florida-based law firms and in the in-house legal department of Wometco Enterprises. In 1991 she became College Attorney, the first in-house counsel of Miami-Dade College (then Miami-Dade Community College) where she created and managed the in-house legal department as well as providing legal advice and legal services to the College and the Board of Trustees for over a decade. As College Attorney, Professor Zeiner reduced outside legal costs from $1.4 million to approximately $320,000 per year with a staff of two attorneys, while supporting enrollment growth, expansion of three campuses, addition of a new campus, and addition of new center. She assisted with gaining approval for new programs and baccalaureate degrees and with the rewrite of the Florida Education Code. She created and implemented a program to increase the number of law firms and lawyer diversity of attorneys approved to provide outside legal services to the College.
Today, a tenured, full professor, Zeiner is combining her love of teaching with her extensive experience in law practice to prepare the next generation of lawyers. She has spoken at conferences and is the author of many articles. Her writing in therapeutic jurisprudence, a field in which she is considered a leader, seeks to enhance the well-being, particularly the emotional well-being, of persons impacted by laws and legal processes. She seeks to transport therapeutic jurisprudence from the people-related fields of law where it began to business-related fields such as eminent domain, business negotiations, and higher education law.
Books and Book Chapters:
Carol L. Zeiner, The Real Estate Transaction as a Teaching Tool, L. Tchr (Spring 2006) , Reprinted in Techniques for Teaching Law 2 (Gerald F. Hess, Steven Friedland, Michael Hunter Schwartz and Sophie Sparrow, Eds., 2011).
Carol Zeiner, Jessica Grobman-Morales, and Anthony R. “Andy” Parrish, Jr., “Race and Housing: The Great Betrayal Revisited and Repaired. Two Proven Approaches and a New Proposal for Low Income Homeownership” 29 ABA J. of Affordable Housing and Comm. Dev. 535 (2021)
Carol L. Zeiner, A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis of Government’s Directives on Student to Student Campus Rape, 47 Journal of Law and Education 427 (2018).
Carol L. Zeiner, Getting Deals Done: Enhancing Negotiation Theory and Practice Through a Therapeutic Jurisprudence/ Comprehensive Law Mindset, 21 Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 279 (Spring 2016). SSRN
Carol L. Zeiner, Should Therapeutic Jurisprudence be Used to Analyze Impacts of Legal Processes on Government?, 28 St. Thomas L. Rev. 1 (Spring 2016). SSRN
Carol L. Zeiner, Kelo Through the Lens of Therapeutic Jurisprudence, 6 Phoenix L. Rev. 857 (2013), invited article for annual issue on therapeutic jurisprudence and comprehensive law. HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Marching Across the Putative Black/White Race Line: A Convergence of Narratology, History and Theory, 33 B.C. J. L. & Soc. Sci. 249 (2013). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis of the Use of Eminent Domain to Create a Leasehold, 2013 Utah L. Rev. 883 & 33 Utah Envtl. L. Rev. 197 (2013). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Eminent Domain Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Private Benefit Masquerading as a Classic Public Use, 28 Va. Envtl. L.J. 1 (2010). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, When Kelo Met Twombly-Iqbal: Implications for Pretext Challenges to Eminent Domain, 46(2) Willamette L. Rev. 201 (2009). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Section 529 Prepaid College Tuition Scholarships: Help in Uncertain Economic Times, 55(2) Wayne L. Rev. 1061 (2009). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Establishing a Leasehold through Eminent Domain: A Slippery Slope Made More Treacherous by Kelo, 56(2) Cath. U. L. Rev. 503 (2007). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Zoned Out! Examining Campus Speech Zones, 66(1) La. L. Rev. 1 (2005). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Monetary and Regulatory Hobbling: The Acquistion of Real Property by Public Institutions of Higher Education in Florida, 12(1-2) U. Miami Bus. L. Rev. 103 (2004). HeinOnline
Additional Publications:
Carol L. Zeiner, The Fundamental Differences between Taking a Fee Simple and Creating a Leasehold via Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation (28th Annual ALI-ABA Course of Study) and Condemnation 101: Making the Complex Simple in Eminent Domain (Sixth Annual ALI-ABA Course of Study). (2011).
Carol L. Zeiner, Speaking Out on Campus Speech Zones. 26th Annual National Conference on Law and Higher Education (February 2005). (2005).
- Property Law
- Real Estate Development & Finance