Daniel Z. Epstein
Assistant Professor of Law
Email: depstein@stu.edu
Phone: 305.623.2363
St. Thomas University College of Law
Faculty Suite (209)
16401 NW 37th Ave
Miami Gardens, FL 33054
A.B. Political Science & Philosophy, Kenyon College
J.D., Emory University School of Law
Ph.D. Political Science, George Washington University
Administrative Law
Constitutional Law
Public Law
Law & Innovation
Daniel Z. Epstein
Dr. Daniel Epstein is an expert in administrative law and regulatory policy. His research focuses on regulatory oversight by the courts and Congress. His publications have appeared in the online sections of the University of Chicago Law Review and the Yale Journal of Regulation and in print in the peer-reviewed Presidential Studies Quarterly, the Pepperdine Law Review, Dickinson Law Review, and the University of North Texas Law Review. He is the author of The Investigative State: Regulatory Oversight in the United States (Palgrave 2023), a book that explores the relationship between legislative delegation to the bureaucracy and congressional oversight.
Dr. Epstein has written for popular publications like the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the Washington Post. He has testified before Congress and provided expertise, interviews and commentary to media outlets including Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC and all major print media.
Dr. Epstein has a PhD in Political Science from George Washington University, a JD from Emory Law School, and a BA from Kenyon College. Prior to joining the STU faculty, Epstein worked in venture capital, in the White House, in Congress, and founded and directed a public interest law firm representing entrepreneurs in bet-the-company cases against regulators.
The Investigative State(Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).Articles:
The Law: White House Equities: The New Executive Privilege, 45 Pres. Stud. Qrtl’y (2015) (with Mark Rozell).
The Illusory Precedent of McGrain v. Daugherty, 4 UNT Dall. L. Rev. 1-9 (2021). Originally published at 38 Yale J. Red. Notice and Comment (2020).
‘Drive By’ Jurisdictional Rulings: Congressional Oversight in Court, 48 Pepperdine L. Rev. (2020) 37-50.
Kendall v. United States and the Inspector General Dilemma, 88 U. Chicago L. Rev. Online (2020).
Congressional Oversight Disputes as Political Questions, Part I: The Decline of the Interbranch Accommodation Doctrine, 38 Yale J. Reg. Notice and Comment (2020).
Congressional Oversight Disputes as Political Questions, Part II: Accommodation as an Intrabranch Doctrine Governing Committee Investigations, 38 Yale J. Reg. Notice and Comment (2020).
Rationality, Legitimacy, & The Law, 7 Wash. U. Jurisprudence Rev. (2014).
Redressing Politicized Spending, 15 Federalist Soc’y Rev. No. 1 (2014).
The Reductio Ad Absurdum of Regulating Corruption, Jurist (2013).
Gmail.gov: When Politics Gets Personal Does the Public Have a Right to Know? 13 Federalist Soc’y Rev. (2012) (with Michael Pepson).
Romance is Dead: Mail Order Brides as Surrogate Corpses, 17 Buffalo J. Gender L. & Soc. Justice (2009).