Leonard D. Pertnoy
Professor of Law Emeritus
Email: lpertnoy@stu.edu
St. Thomas University College of Law
Faculty Suite (209)
16401 NW 37th Ave
Miami Gardens, FL 33054
A.B., University of Vienna, Austria
B.A., University of Louisville
J.D., University of Miami
Florida Practice
Legal Ethics
Leonard D. Pertnoy
Professor Pertnoy is a distinguished legal educator and attorney. He has served as a member, vice-chairperson, or chairperson of committees of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit and Florida Bar, and he was the President of the Florida Council of American Inns of Court. His publications include articles in the American Journal of Trial Advocacy, Defense, the Florida Bar Journal, and the Albany, Dickinson, Mercer, Montana, St. Thomas, and Syracuse Law Reviews. He is listed in Who’s Who in American Law and in Who’s Who Worldwide. He was an attorney in private practice for many years and has served as a Dade County Bar Association Pro Bono Attorney. He has been a presenter at many national conferences, institutes, and public media programs. He also is active in the community as a member of numerous organizations, including the World Hunger Organization, the National Wildlife Society, the Sierra Club, and the Smithsonian Society. At the St. Thomas University School of Law, Professor Pertnoy has served as Clinical Director, Assistant Dean, and Associate Dean; currently, he teaches Florida Practice, Professional Responsibility, and Real Estate Transactions.
Leonard D. Pertnoy, Civil Asset Forfeiture: Analyzing Florida Procedure Regarding Law Enforcement’s Shadiest Procedure, 39(2) Am. J. Trial Advoc. 271 (2015).
Leonard D. Pertnoy, Same Violence, Same Sex, Different Standard: An Examination of Same-Sex, Domestic Violence and the Use of Expert Testimony on Battered Woman’s Syndrome in Same-Sex Domestic Violence Case, 24 St. Thomas L. Rev. 544 (2012).
Leonard Pertnoy, Summary Judgment in Florida: The Road Less Traveled, 20 St. Thomas L. Rev. 69 (2007). HeinOnline
Leonard Pertnoy, The ‘C’ Word: Collegiality Real or Imaginary, and Should it Matter in a Tenure Process, 17 St. Thomas L. Rev. 201 (2004). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy, Post-Judgment Relief in Domestic Relations Cases: Does the Process Ever End?, 25 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 69 (2001). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy & Daniel Gordon, Would Alan Dershowitz Be Hired to Teach Law at a Catholic Law School? Catholicizing, Neo-Brandeising and an American Constitutional Policy Response, 23 Seattle U. L. Rev. 355 (1999). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy, A Child’s Right View of Recovery Under the National Childhood Vaccine Act or “He Who Hesitates is Lost”, 59 Mont. L. Rev. 275 (1998). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy, An Attorney’s Right to Retain Fees Derived From a Fraudulent Lawsuit, 8 St. Thomas L. Rev. 533 (1996). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy, “Skills” is Not a Dirty Word, 59 Mo. L. Rev. 169 (1994). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy & Paul R. Perchonock, Partnership for Healing: Learning to Understand Your Medical Expert, For the Defense, Aug. 1993, at 19.
Leonard D. Pertnoy, “Lights, Camera, Action”: Presenting the Medical Expert in Trial, 17 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 443 (1993). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy, The Juror’s Need to Know vs. the Constitutional Right to a Fair Trial, 97 Dick. L. Rev. 627 (1993). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy, “Let the Games Begin”: Legal Jeopardy at the Peter T. Fay American Inn of Court, Fla. B.J., June 1992, at 111.
Leonard D. Pertnoy, Order in the Court, 43 Syracuse L. Rev. 1159 (1992). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy, “Something is Afoul”, 3 Legal Briefs 1 (1992).
Leonard D. Pertnoy, “Clinic” is Not a Dirty Word, Fla. B.J., Jul./Aug. 1991, at 41.
Leonard D. Pertnoy & Ellen S. Podgor, And God Created Woman … But to Be a Criminal Defense Attorney, 42 Mercer L. Rev. 713 (1991). HeinOnline
Leonard D. Pertnoy & Ellen S. Podgor, Bias v. Difference: An Analysis for Those Who Just Don’t Get It, 54 Alb. L. Rev. 413 (1990). HeinOnline
Book Reviews:
Leonard D. Pertnoy, Florida Civil Procedure by Juan Ramirez, Jr., Fla. B.J., Feb. 1999, at 63 (book review).
Additional Publications:
Leonard D. Pertnoy, Slander of Title: The Challenges of Lis Pendens as a Lien on Real Property, Part 2 of 2, Friendly Passages, Jan.-Feb. 2015, at 19. RJS Law Library
Leonard D. Pertnoy, Lions, Tigers, and Motions to Disqualify… Oh My! in Robert J. Smith Law Library of St. Lucie County Friendly Passages Publication (2012).
- Florida Civil Practice
- Professional Responsibility