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Professor Dr. Roza Pati Discusses Human Trafficking on Living Bread Radio Network

Human Trafficking Academy director, Dr. Roza Pati, was recently interviewed on Catholic Close-Up with Michael Roberts on the Living Bread Radio Network regarding the social phenomenon of human trafficking.

Dr. Pati discussed St. Thomas University School of Law’s upcoming, five-day Human Trafficking Academy which will take place from July 15-19, 2019. The academy will focus on commercial sexual exploitation through the lens of major sporting events.  She highlighted the importance of listening to the unique perspective of survivors of human trafficking  in order to more effectively improve our framework and methodology of confronting the epidemic.

Dr. Pati also spoke about the indispensable role that faith-based institutions play in combatting human trafficking by highlighting the contribution of the Coalition of Catholic Organizations Against Human Trafficking’s Labeling for Lent initiative in which national and international Catholic agencies, including the Academy, pressed the Costco Corporation for more transparency in their fishing supply chain.  She referenced The Pastoral Orientation on Human Trafficking; a Vatican document produced under the direct auspices of Pope Francis, and encouraged faith-based organizations as well as the lay community to read this enormously important document and to effectively engage in concrete action to confront human trafficking.

She concluded with a reminder that there is a role for everyone to play, and no effort is too small.   Listen to Dr. Pati’s full radio interview below:


To read the full text of The Pastoral Orientation on Human Trafficking, click here.


The John J. Brunetti Human Trafficking Academy is designed to conduct research, outreach and education in the field of human trafficking. In particular, it offers specialized training and technical assistance to law enforcement, lawyers, healthcare providers, teachers, students, researchers, religious institutions and the community at large on issues related to the crime of trafficking in persons. It looks at trafficking in persons as a gross violation of human rights and as an affront to the dignity of the human being.



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