On March 5-8, 2015, The 2015 Phi Alpha Delta (P.A.D.) National Mock Trial Competition for Law School Chapters was held in Alexandria, VA. This annual national mock trial competition was limited to 30 law school chapters. Each chapter was allowed to register up to three teams, one per round. The PAD Mentschikoff Chapter at the St. Thomas University School of Law registered one team.

Freddy Figueroa, Ileana Garcia, Natasha Pargas, Tayron Lopez
Each team member was required to prepare and deliver opening statements and closing arguments, develop and conduct direct and cross examinations, convincingly play witness roles for their teammates, as well as analyze and argue complex evidentiary issues and objections. The team was coached by South Florida attorneys Jarred Whaley, Debra Kay Cohen, and Lance August Harke. But said that the high standards of professionalism and court ethics which they demonstrated during PAD mock trial competition was owed to Coach Michael Mayer, who taught the most primordial and essential skills of a mock trial competition. These attributes were noticed, and brought to the team’s attention by diverse members of the law community who sat as judges in this mock trial event.
During the competition, each team presented the case as both plaintiff and defendant. Following three rounds of competition, the St. Thomas Law team consisting of Freddy Figueroa, Ileana Garcia, Natasha Pargas, and Tayron Lopez advanced to the Final Round where they secured First Place with a strong finish against a formidable team from Tennessee University (2014 Champions). The Defense Team of Freddy Figueroa and Ileana Garcia also earned the award for Best Defense. “I was just so thankful!’ exclaimed team member Ileana Garcia after the win. “ All the practicing definitely paid off. It was an overall great experience. I met some amazing law students and attorneys, went up against some really good competitors and I was happy about how we won. We didn’t make anyone feel inferior and when we won, everyone was very happy for us.” Figueroa added that the competition was “won by a team who believed, trusted, and encouraged one another to achieve greatness with humility and dignity.”

The Phi Alpha Delta Team at the Supreme Court Building in Washington DC
Tayron Lopez, who, along with Natasha Pargas, represented the plaintiffs in the competition, shared the excitement of his team mates and expressed pride in the win. “Being the first time that St. Thomas’ Chapter of P.A.D. competed in this competition, we represented our school with pride, and we were able to bring back the first place,” stated Lopez. Pargas was also sure to express her gratitude for the support that the team received from Regilucia Smith, Jennifer Vargas, Dayami Sans, and Rebecca Tabares. The success of this endeavor was tied largely to the tireless efforts of St. Thomas Law PAD Chapter President, Regilucia (“Reggie”) Smith, and PAD members Dayami Sans and Jennifer Vargas. Ms. Smith advocated for the team, worked to make the competition a reality and ensured that St. Thomas Law, at its first appearance at the PAD Mock Trial Competition left a memorable impression. The mission and core values of PAD are to advance integrity, compassion and courage through service to the student, the school, the profession, and the community.