St. Thomas University (STU) has beat out both Florida International University and University of Miami as one of the best universities in Florida. Ranked the number five university in Florida by Wallethub, STU is the top private university on the list.
WalletHub compared over 1,000 higher-education institutions in the U.S. based on 33 key measures grouped into seven categories, such as Student Selectivity, Cost & Financing and Career Outcomes. The data set ranges from student-faculty ratio to graduation rate to post-attendance median salary.
“STU prides itself in its ability to graduate and provide our students with a superior values-based education,” said STU President, David A. Armstrong, J.D. “Recognitions such as these validate the outstanding work by our faculty and staff, and demonstrate our ability to compete at a national level.”
Recently, STU was also ranked #1 for regional universities in the South for social mobility by U.S. News and World Report.
WalletHub’s Best Colleges ranking also analyzes post-attendance metrics — the student-loan default rate and the share of former students outearning high school graduates, for instance — to show the value of the education students can expect to receive beyond their undergraduate studies.
For more information, click here: https://wallethub.com/edu/e/college-rankings/40750/#region.
For NBC6 story on the news, click here: https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/UF-FSU-and-UCF-Top-List-of-Best-Colleges-in-Florida-563559141.html