June Mary Makdisi

June Mary Makdisi

Professor of Law

Email: jmmakdisi@stu.edu


St. Thomas University College of Law
Faculty Suite (209)
16401 NW 37th Ave
Miami Gardens, FL 33054


B.A., University of Pennsylvania
M.S., University of Pennsylvania
J.D., University of Tulsa College of Law, with honors


Family Law

June Mary Zekan Makdisi

June Mary Zekan Makdisi is Emeritus Professor of Law. Before joining the faculty in 1999, Professor Makdisi clerked for Chief Justice Pascal Calogero (1996-97) and Justice Jeannette Theriot Knoll (1997-99) of the Louisiana State Supreme Court. Professor Makdisi began law school at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cleveland State Law Review, and transferred to the University of Tulsa College of Law, where she graduated with honors.

Professor Makdisi’s research interests concerning the legal issues arising from the application of biotechnology dovetail with the courses that she teaches: Bioethics, Torts, and Family Law. She has published in a number of journals, including Creighton Law Review, Nebraska Law Review, Pepperdine Law Review, Rutgers Law Journal, St. John’s Law Review, and The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly.

Scholarship & Research



June Mary Makdisi John Makdisi, The Transformation of Marriage as a State Institution, 14 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 371 (2019).

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, The Affordable Care Act: Does It Improve Health and Does It Live Up to Human Rights Standards?, 10 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev 117 (2015).

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Totality and Integrity in American Case Law, 12 Nat’l Cath. Bioethics Q. 43 (2012).

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, The Protection of Embryonic Life in the European Council’s Convention on Biomedicine, 7 Nat’l Cath. Bioethics Q. 31 (2007).

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Involuntary Cloning: A Battery, 79 St. John’s L. Rev. 13 (2005). HeinOnline

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Human Cloning and Stem Cell Research: Who Should Decide Where to Draw the Line?, 39 New Eng. L. Rev. 635 (2005). HeinOnline

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Genetically Correct: The Political Use of Reproductive Terminology, 32 Pepp. L. Rev. 1 (2004). HeinOnline

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Commercial Use of Protected Health Information Under HIPPA’s Privacy Rule: Reasonable Disclosure or Disguised Marketing?, 82 Neb. L. Rev. 741 (2004). HeinOnline

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, The Slide From Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research to Reproductive Cloning: Ethical Decision Making and the Ban on Federal Funding, 34 Rutgers L.J. 463 (2003). HeinOnline

June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Genetic Privacy: New Intrusion a New Tort?, 34 Creighton L. Rev. 965 (2001). HeinOnline

June Mary Makdisi, Nutrition and Hydration Under Ohio’s DPAH: Judicial Misconstruction Threatens the Right to Choose Death With Dignity, 38 Clev. St. L. Rev. 279 (1990). HeinOnline