Colombian American Student Bar Association (COLSBAR)
The mission of the Colombian American Student Bar Association (COLSBAR), St. Thomas University College of Law Chapter (hereinafter COLSBAR), is to promote membership with the Colombian American Bar Association (COLBAR) among current students at St. Thomas University College of Law. The St. Thomas University College of Law COLSBAR’s members includes law students of Colombian, Colombian American descent, as well as other law students, L.L.M, and J.S.D students that are interested in issues affecting the Colombian community. COLSBAR will strive to advance the relationships between student members and the professional members of the Colombian American Bar Association by promoting networking events and functions hosted by the Colombian American Bar Association and COLSBAR while encouraging on-campus appearances of the professionals that compose its body.
COLSBAR’s mission is to promote the equality of our members; serve the public interest by increasing awareness of the study of jurisprudence; foster respect for the law; promote and preserve high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among our peers; build close relationships among our members; support the Colombian American indigent community; and increase diversity in the judiciary and legal community.
Board Members
Bryan Arce, President
Dylan Sanchez, Vice-President
Javier Reina, Secretary
Jose Salcedo, Treasurer
Claudia Cardenas, Social Media Chair
Valentina Montoya Bayona, Director of Community Outreach
Alejandra Enriquez, Director of Community Outreach
Faculty/Staff Advisor
Cristobal Perez Morales