Dr. Jodi Grace is an Associate Professor of Psychology at St. Thomas University in Miami Gardens, Florida. She teaches a wide variety of undergraduate psychology classes at St. Thomas University including Social Psychology, Health Psychology, Multicultural Issues in Psychology, and the Psychology of Persuasion. Her research interests focus on psychological reasons for medical delay and avoidance. Specifically, she explores how identity concerns (i.e., fears over how one may be viewed by others) may prevent individuals from seeking appropriate medical attention. She has investigated identity concerns in medical settings such as delayed testing for diseases stigmatized by society, medical avoidance for embarrassing medical test procedures, and deception in the medical interview. Her research also explores the relationship between self-compassion and overall well-being. She currently serves on the Host Council of the Live Healthy Miami Gardens Initiative, is the Co-Chair of the Primary Health Subcouncil of the initiative, and is a member of the data committee for the initiative.
- Wallace, H. M., Chang, M., Carroll, P. J., Grace, J. L. (2009). I knew it all along, unless I had to work to learn what I know. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 31, 32-39.
- Shepperd, J. A., Grace, J. L., & Koch, E. (2008). Evaluating the electronic textbook; Is it time to dispense with the paper text?, Teaching of Psychology, 35, 2-5.
- Grace, J. L., & Shepperd, J. A. (2007). Social loafing. In R. Baumeister & K. D. Vohs, (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Vol. 2, pp. 909-910. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Shepperd, J. A., Grace, J. L., Cole, L. J., & Klein, C. (2005). Anxiety and outcome judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 267-275.
- Shepperd, J. A., Carroll, P., Grace, J. L., & Terry, M. (2002). Exploring the cause of comparative optimism. Psychological Belgica, 42, 6-98.