Once a student is accepted into the Dual Enrollment program, the Dual Enrollment High School Liaison will assist the student in the course registration process. Once a course is completed and grades are submitted, a student may not, under any circumstances, register or drop the course.

Dual Enrollment courses are typically offered in the fall and spring semesters. Additional courses may be taken during the summer session if offered by the participating high school or at St. Thomas University campus.


NEW STU Dual Enrollment students participating:

  1. Fill out Dual Enrollment Application Form ONLINE – Create a user account/application at (www.stu.edu/dualapplication)

NEW and Returning STU Dual Enrollment Students:

  1. Print and complete the Acknowledgment/Authorization Form (Dual Enrollment Program Acknowledgement/Authorization Form) each semester with signatures of parent or legal guardian, High School Liaison, and Student.
  2. Turn in the Acknowledgment Authorization Form to the High School Liaison.
  3. Submit payments:
    • For Online Payment*:
      Go to: https://www.stu.edu/pay-online/
      Fill out the form. Please make sure to add STU ID# or SS# and select “Dual Enrollment” for the “What is this payment for?” option.
      Once completed, Click SUBMIT
      * ONLY the following Card Types are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club & JCB.
    • For Payment with Checks**:
      Submit check to your High School Dual Enrollment Liaison
      **Make checks payable to St. Thomas University
    • For Payment with Florida Prepaid College Plan
      1. Inform the high school liaison
      2. Complete a Withdrawal Request Form
      3. Make sure to write St. Thomas University as the Withdrawal Payee (Federal School Code 001468).
      4. Mail the original form to:
        Florida Prepaid College Board
        PO Box 6567
        Tallahassee, FL 32314-6567FPP Customer Service Phone. 1-800-552-4723

Notes: First time STU Dual Enrollment students, PLEASE WAIT 48 HOURS BEFORE ACCESSING MyBobcat Portal (https://bobcat.stu.edu), where students are able to: view account balance and pay the balance, as well as, view the schedule and Dual Enrollment course grades at the completion of each semester.

If you have any issues login to the MyBobcat Portal, please feel free to contact the STU HelpDesk at (305) 628-6610 and make sure to state that you are a Dual Enrollment student.