Faculty Services


Telephone Numbers

Main Library Phone: 305.623.2330
Circulation Desk: 305.623.2332
Reference: 305.623.2331
Faculty Services: 305.623.2339 – If no answer, call Reference Desk for assistance.
Inter-Library Loans: 305.623.2339
Audiovisual Support: 305.623.2338

Reference Services

The Law Library Reference Department provides a wide range of services to faculty, including:

Classroom Research Instruction

Law Librarians present topical library instruction at the professor’s request. Information on internet resources, such as CCH Network, HeinOnline, and interdisciplinary sources, as well as research instruction in paper-based sources are covered in such training. We will also schedule Library tours for students and new faculty.

Individual Faculty Training in Library Sources

Individual training is available to faculty members. Law librarians can provide instruction in internet resources such, as Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg Law, HeinOnline, CCH, and many others. Guidance is also available for MS Windows applications, including PowerPoint and Word.

Research and Reference

Our law librarians can find documents, research legislative histories, pull cases and statutes, and perform other library research as required by the Law Faculty. Interdisciplinary materials can also be pulled from the University Library.

Reference Department

Joel Walker, B.A., J.D., M.I.L.S. (in progress)
Phone: 305.623.2339
Email: joelwalker@stu.edu

Quinterrión L. Waits, B.A., J.D., M.L.I.S
Phone: 305.623.2308
Email: qwaits@stu.edu

Jacob Hurst, B.S., J.D., M.L.I.S.
Phone: 305.623.2335
Email: jacob@stu.edu

ILL Request Assistance

Inter-library loans can supply many of the journal articles and books needed for your research. Faculty inter-library loan service is available via internet, phone or email. Please see the Inter-Library Loan page for general information on inter-library loan.  Please contact Joel Walker at extension 2339 with additional questions.

Research Assistant Instruction

Faculty utilizing student research assistants should refer them to the library for training and assistance, as instruction in interdisciplinary sources, as well as foreign and international law, may be particularly helpful to upper division law students.

Web Course Set-Up and Modification (TWEN and Lexis Classroom)

Lexis and Westlaw web course assistance is provided by the Faculty Services Librarian. TWEN and Lexis Classroom are equally supported by the Law Library. Please provide a syllabus, password information, and other basic course information for the initial set-up.


Faculty may borrow most items from the Law Library. See the Circulation Loan Policy for more information. Items from the Main Library may also be borrowed.

Current Awareness Services

The Law Library will provide support for setting up and maintaining current awareness and notification services from Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law (BNA). These services can be established to provide notice of new laws and articles within your research areas.

Faculty Purchase Requests

The Law Library may, at a faculty member’s request, purchase books, audiovisual items, or other materials for the Law Library collections. If you would like to recommend a title or resource to the Law Library, please email Joel Walker, joelwalker@stu.edu, Faculty Services and Scholarly Communications Librarian or Law Library Director Jacob Hurst, jacob@stu.edu, with your recommendations.

The Law Library facilitaties faculty purchase requests using the Faculty Book and Resource fund. To request resources using these funds, please complete the form below:

Faculty Member Name
Faculty Member Name
First Name
Last Name

Maximum file size: 10.24MB

Faculty Publications

The Law Library acquires and keeps faculty publications for our collection. Please send three copies of your new publications to the Faculty Services Librarian for display. Older publications may be displayed in the Law Library. The Law Library can also provide assistance with article submissions via Scholastica and SSRN. Please contact the Faculty Services Librarian for more information.

Digital Commons Institutional Repository – SSRN (Login Required)

The Law Library periodically collects and republishes, with the author and publisher’s permission, selected recently published works by St. Thomas Law faculty. For more information about this project, please contact the Director or Faculty Services Librarian.

The journal can be found here: St. Thomas University College of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series

Individual past issues can be viewed by clicking the issue below.

Audiovisual Assistance

The Law Library Audio-Visual Department offers several services for faculty. For more information on classroom audiovisual support, see our Law School Audiovisual Department page.

For assistance with WiFi, email, printing, computer maintenance, or other services provided by the STU Office of Information Technology, please contact Gaston Torres at x6945 or the STU Campus Helpdesk at x6610.